Believe it or not, this guy and his pals jumped right back up once the snow melted and are thriving outside the front door of my office building. I wouldn't have given you a nickel for that chances of that happening when I took this. Shows what I know.
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Great! The flowers are back? Spring is in the air... Blossom Blooms
what resiliance in the icy cold!
Tough on!! These are definitely stronger than I am! I'll be filled with layers of clothings yet, they're naked and surviving!!
The first thing that came to mind, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"....great shot. Happy WW:)
Gives you hope, doesn't it?
Mine's up at:
Happy WW!
I love pansies but never knew they could be this hardy! Pretty!
Wow, how beautiful :)
Is that a crocus? How exciting!
Happy WW! Check out my tiny dancer:
Amazing! Can Spring be far behind?
them flowers KNOW springs a coming...
Those little guys are sturdy.
I watched the green grass emerge from the snow in NC on the Weather Channel the other morning. It was surreal. And now I know they weren't making it up.
This is one sad flower! I am so sick of the snow up here in New England - hope I pop back as well as this pansy did! Great shot.
Now that's hope and perseverance! Nice shot -- spring is coming.
That's truly amazing...and wonderful!
That is wonderful.
I need to rething my long-held assumption that pansies are akin to wimpiness. I've obviously been mistaken.
Life can be remarkably defiant, often when we least expect it. I like speaks to my soul. As does this shot.
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