Friday, September 25, 2009

Thematic Photographic 68: "Temporary" v.3.0 - Light Show

"Boom! Ohhhh!"
Garner, NC - July 2009 (Click to embiggen)

Thematic Photographic hosted by Carmi - Button Image by Smarmoofus Hosted by Written Inc.

Note: Please take a moment to stop by the Written, Inc. and visit . And pay your respects to TP's creator, Carmi, on the sudden loss of his father. Best thoughts for you and your family Carmi.

They only last a few seconds, but we flock to them like moths to a bug zapper any time there's a display. They signal in new years, mark the anniversaries of important events and in general enthrall young and old alike. We liken all kinds of experiences to them -- some pleasurable, some not so much. they have the power to captivate, possibly in part because of their power to harm. But viewed at a safe distance, there's nothing else like them.
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snowelf said...

They also distract zombies.


magiceye said...

brilliant capture!
they are a display of exuberance!