I give them credit. They're trying. The Raleigh Transit Authority, Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA) and the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau have collaborated to put together the "R-Line" project, otherwise known as the "Downtown Circulator". The idea was to provide a local shuttle service for the Central Business District. Novel concept, huh? (It was a rhetorical question, okay?) One of the key barriers to re-energizing the downtown area has for years been that "you can't get there from here". Parking is at a premium, and the regular bus service furnished by Capital Area Transit didn't really bridge the gap between the 'burbs and the city core. Enter the Circulator, which covers an area of less than 100 square blocks, putting in at all of the parking areas and points of interest along the way. Two 40-foot diesel-electric hybrid buses chase each other around this loop, with a third in reserve. The People Who Should Know say that this means a 10-12 minute gap between buses at any given stop on the route. If they can actually keep that schedule, the service should turn out to be very popular since the fare for riding the "R Line" is zero. I may have to research this further -- and firsthand. Because of all the ideas the city planners have had over the years this one might actually work. For more, check out this City of Raleigh Website article.
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That's interesting. I didn't know about the R Line but when I go downtown I'm usually able to walk from where I park to the places I want to be or go.
Looks interesting to me and we could surely use any kind of improvement in the Seattle transit situation!!
Interesting post as always, Mojo!
Have a great week!
The glow inside the bus is really neat.
This is a nice night shot. I like the colors and contrast. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds very interesting, I hope this works out.
Do the buses actually have that blueish light? That kind of lighting always hurts my eyes, but in the shot is does look cool.
Good concept just hope it works out The price is right
Interesting, I hope the project gets completed soon.
Bhojeshwar Temple, Bhojpur
Sound good, hope it work out perfect!
You Got a Posty
Great post, a city needs good transportation.
amazing night photography.
very interesting...
Love the angle and the shot!
Maybe the sign was shortened and this is a pirate bus. The Aaaargh! line.
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