I told you yesterday that you'd see some of the city planners' ... different ideas on the aesthetic of lighting effects. And here is one of the premier examples. this is Fayetteville Street, the main street of Raleigh's Central Business District and home to no fewer than five major banking institutions' local headquarters. This ... whatever this is, sits at the corner of the site of the now demolished Raleigh Civic and Convention Center (the battle over which is a whole other post). If you're wondering, those black specks underneath the rainbow are oak leaf silhouettes. (Raleigh being the City of Oaks, it makes sense, yeah?) The rainbow kaleidoscopes its way up the tower, and the top then lights up in one of four colors. The colors at the top alternate, so that it and the other three towers just like it all display different colors as their respective rainbows climb from the base. Throw in a bank of rainbow themed lights along the sidwalk (that look like they were salvaged from Club 54) and all that's missing is the mirror ball. Only here, that would probably be the mirror acorn like that big brass one they drop here on New Year's Eve. (Raleigh being the City of Oaks, it makes sense, yeah?) The new Raleigh Convention Center has a similar lighting setup, where the lights along the side of the building change colors at intervals leading me to wonder exactly who the city hired to design all this. But you gotta admit. It's different.
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sure is brilliantly different!
how are the kababs?
I love the colorful lights! :)
Somehow I never imagined shish kabob as being what you find over the rainbow...
Well, "different" is one way to put it!
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