Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #18 / Thematic Photographic 14: "Faded" (v.4.0) - Ghosts of Fort Macon

"Sally Port - Ft. Macon"
Ft. Macon, NC - November 2000 (Click to embiggen)

Wordless Wednesday - Button Image by Smarmoofus Thematic Photographic hosted by Carmi - Button Image by Smarmoofus

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Anonymous said...

oh I like that one a lot! I love old brick buildings.

Gabriel said...

Oh, that's cool!

My post is here.

Happy WW!

smarmoofus said...

You need to move your "comment" link back to the bottom of your posts. I keep losing it.

Did you use PhotoShop to do "vignette" lighting effect, or is this straight out of the camera? I like it, whatever you did. Very cool photo. And you've out-faded me.


Mojo said...

Nope. That's just the result of a very small aperture not exposing the film all the way to the corners. I did, however, use Photoshop to desaturate the image by about 25% to give it an "older" feel suitable for the subject. Ft Macon dates back to the "War of Northern Aggression" (*wink*) and was an active shore battery until WWII. Designed by Robert E. Lee himself (who was quite a capable engineer). One of the cooler features (literally) is a convection ventilation system that actually worked like a rudimentary central A/C. Since most of the fort is below ground level, the insulation pretty well took care of itself.

Tink *~*~* said...

Thanks for the history lesson about the fort. Was the brick painted, or is it made of something that "weeps"? I often wonder why people paint over bricks - I like 'em brick-colored! :D

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Mojo said...

Tink: I'm not 100% sure, but I imagine the brick was painted for waterproofing since most of the wall is below ground. But I'm with you on the brick painting for houses and such. If you wanted bricks that color, just buy bricks that color! Unless of course you wanted some color not occurring in nature.

In this case though, I'm sure whatever coating may have been applied was for practical reasons, not aesthetic ones.

Anonymous said...

Cool, very cool shot!

Oh and yes, he's a Chessie! : )

carmilevy said...

This picture is all atmosphere. It just invites the eye inside for a closer look. If only those old, old walls could talk!

Maria's Space said...

Wow, now that is an interesting shot.

sweetytots said...

beautiful.. mine is here and here

Anonymous said...

Mojo, I've enjoyed reading on the explanations here.

Now, excuse me while I go peep around this place:)

Lori said...

How spooky:) Happy WW.

Kimmie said...

Oh, I'm skeered! Great photo and history. Happy WW! :-)


stan said...

Like the darkness in between with connotations of the mystique.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

What a fascinating shot. Very mysterious.

Ingrid said...

A lot of athmosphere in this picture !

Pea in a Pod said...

Looks very nice! Great shot:) Mine is posted HERE.

heartcaptures said...

wish the image is bigger. nice texture! :)

carrie said...

that's a great shot and kind of spooky. You couldn't pay me to visit that place in the dark!

Red Lotus Mama said...

Excellent ... great photo with some history. Love it! Happy WW:

Rachel said...

Love it!

Michelle said...

beautifully taken...happy ww.

Rizza said...

this is a beautiful picture, looks like a doorway to some scary place

happy WW!

chartao said...

just wonder what danger lies ahead!!

Anonymous said...

wonderful - love the anticipation of what's through the tunnel

Unknown said...

Pretty cool. Happy WW!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Great picture. I love old forts and find them very photogenic.

June said...

Since I love photography and history, I really loved this!

Phyllis Dobbs said...

Love it - very dramatic!

janese said...

I found it so magnificient!it is like there are mystery behind!Nice one!

HeyShae! said...

Very cool pic. I don't know if I'd walk through there... maybe run like hell. :)

Mojo said...

I never thought of it as "spooky"... I mean how many haunted houses have a gift shop?

The site closes and the gates are locked at 8:00 pm though, so who knows what goes on there after hours? (*evil chuckle*)

After all, Coastal NC is replete with tales of haints.

Daryl said...

I enbiggen'd it and it was even more better .. tho smallen'd it looks like eyes, nose and a big tunnel .. a wordless tunnel


Unknown said...

Oooh, intriguing.. Nice shot! Happy WW! :)

Unknown said...

absolutely love this - mysterious, historical. yummy.

Maude Lynn said...

Kind of creepy. I like it!

Ryanne said...

that is a great shot. I was going to ask all sorts of questions about it, but I see that you have given us a wonderful description. Thanks for the share and bit of history, I enjoy learning nes things!

storyteller said...

Haunting photo today … I’m almost wordless at Sacred Ruminations this morning … haven’t decided WHAT to do at Small Reflections just yet … but today I’m trying to ‘catch up’ from being away from home all day yesterday.
Hugs and blessings,

Carver said...

I love the tunnel shot. I enjoy photographing tunnels. You did a good job with this one.

Marsha said...

Makes me want to walk right in!

Tess Kincaid said...


Believe it or not, I'm here from the black box widget!! :P

Mimi Lenox said...

I'm pretty sure this is the place I visited as a teenager (I have photos of a wiry legged Mimi sitting in one of the windows). Between Salter Path and Atlantic Beach?