You never know what you're gonna see if you just pay attention. I caught this feathery cloud formation while I was pumping gas on Capital Boulevard one afternoon. Lucky for me, I'd just been out photo hunting and my camera was in easy reach. Look around. Pay attention. There's a lot you'll see that most people will miss.
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Great capture - that feathery white is set off perfectly by the deep blue of the sky.
oh yeah, ya just gotta look...
Very interesting cloud. I don't think I have ever seen one like that.
Have a nice relaxing Sunday.
Incredible blue with that curtain of cloud being drawn closed. That's what it reminded me of. :-)
Beautiful sky!
I kinda have a strange imagination but it also looked like a coast line with the foamy water rolling in--good job---roll by and check me out.
It's almost unbelievable. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.
What a beautiful picture.
Happy Blue Monday.
The prettiest blue is found in our skies....
excellent looks like the cloud is speeding by.
I'm ooohhhhing and ahhhhing over this one!
Very pretty; very cool! Thanks for sharing and Happy Blue Monday.
very cool Mojo, is that a contrail? Made for a great shot!
Fantastic Observation,Happy Blue Monday to you.
Great picture! Have a great Blue Monday!
Very pretty.
Happy Blue Monday!
I often feel sorry for folks who don't take the time. They miss so much.
You, fortunately, get it to the very core of your DNA.
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