On the same night as my son's recital, these two students were either having a tutoring session or practicing for an upcoming performance. I didn't ask which, they looked busy. But I liked the framing and composition of the shot and the spontaneity was irresistible.
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Cool, double bass literally:)
the light is great, a little oasis, lovely capture of a musical moment.
Mirror images. :) I like it the spontaneity of it!
I love the turnabout from the expected - the photographer is inside while the performers are outside. The mirroring is the icing on a very well-prepared cake.
that looks so peaceful...
They're also wearing contrasting colors on a nice green background. Is that the wheel of a bicycle I see behind the dude in white? It would be quite the trick to transport a bass via cycle.
Bryan: These two would be storing their instruments at the Music Building (where this was taken) in secure lockers, so the guy with the bike wouldn't have been hauling his bass around on it. That would be quite a trick.
Solitude - very cool shot - makes me wish I was there. Brings back all kinds of memories of orchestra rehearsals.
I like how you deliberately inserted distance between yourself and the subjects. Because of your choice of composition, the story of this moment is told in a much richer, engaging manner.
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