I don't know that I'll make a regular thing of this, but I've been reading some of them here and there and thought that this was a prompt I could do something with. Who knows? Maybe I was right. You decide.
I read the words you said
And the ones you didn't say
More to the point
The ones you no longer say
Reinventing a life
That you never saw coming
Asking me to dance
When you don't dance (you even said so)
Try to catch a butterfly
And you find out how fragile they are
Try to pick one up
As it emerges from the chrysalis
Before the wings are dry
And doom it to a premature end
But wear the right colors
And stand very still
The butterfly will come to you
Land there or there (or even there)
And nobody has to get hurt
Least of all the butterfly.
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This is just beautiful!! The lines convey so much.. subtle messages in soft undertones.. Certainly, nobody has to get hurt, least of all the butterfly!!
Hi Mojo, long time no see. Welcome to OSI, from the looks and sound of your verse I think you may like these exercises. Most are fun to me.
The saying 'read you like a book' kept coming to me in that you (first person author) took a bit to decide where you friend actually was in his/her life. And then you were determined that you had decided correctly.
The unspoken thoughts are the one heard loudest. Thats what I believe.
that thin line
Alot is said with silence.
Butterfly poem was wonderful!
Thank you for sharing this.
I love that one, Mojo.
A painful thought that, full of longing and hurt.
The idea of wearing the right colours is such a powerful image! It could be a natural thing, but it could also be a concocted form of correctness or guile to suit the moment! Both interpretations lend an interesting interpretation to the poem!
i'll wait for that butterfly...
This is a true poetry and true words Mojo.
You touch me with your words,
and you know I cry like a child reading the last lines about the butterfly..
It is true nobody has to get hurt, least of all the butterfly.
And that is Vackert!!
Biggest hug there is!
A delicate and fragiile poem...oh, how soft we all are. Beautiful!
This is lovely, I had no idea you were as facile with words as you are with the camera
Absolutely beautiful...
There's a butterfly bush worth of wisdom in what you said. I hope you keep posting because I'll be back hoping for more.
Words fly on the wings of truth...very nice!
Fragile, and sensitive. I like this. Thank you for sharing.
What a tenderness you bring to pain, what a gentle presence to evanescence. thank you.
This is delicately beautiful. It strikes something in me.
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