"Bet They Don't Have Elven Rickshaw-Wallahs in Mumbai"
Raleigh, NC - November 2008 (Click to embiggen)
Normally I don't publish photos of people unless they're performing or competing in some kind of event. But seriously, could you see this shot and not take it? This is one of the drivers for Raleigh Rickshaw, a... I guess three-year-old company now that pedals visitors around the downtown district in search of ... whatever they're in search of. "Pedal cabs" as they're sometimes known here in the States, aren't unique to Raleigh of course. The owner of the company brought the idea with him from Charleston, SC when he moved here. Tonka's Auntie Daryl featured a similar rig in Manhattan on one of her posts a whle back (though you'd have to ask her which one, I don't remember). And of course, in other coutries, cycle rickshaws are quite common (though gas-powered autorickshaws are replacing them). But of all the photos and movies and other media I've seen, I have not once seen a rickshaw driven by an elf. So this was a natural for this week's Thematic Photographic theme: "Different". What's next? Spongebob Bus Driver?
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On the news this morning they showed dozens of rickshaws being pulled by Santas.
Real SKINNY Santas, it was a hoot...
yikes, he doesn't look very cheery now does he...
Funny! he looks like my old boss.
A different way of living
So THAT'S what Santa does to punish underperfoming elves in his workshop. That is one PO'd elf. Can't say I blame him.
Look at the calf muscles on that elf.
I agree it is an odd combo of hat and garb.
Wilbur Elfinham the Third was perturbed at being photographed.
It was just a year ago that he was the Chief Financial Officer for Santa Inc, Then came the recession.
Mr.Elfingham has been reduced to pedalling his ass ( literally) around town, while drunken college students pelt him with peanuts and vomit.
Out goes the Mercedes, for the pedal bike. The Armani and Brioni suits were exchanged for a Dork-Hat. The trophy ex-model wife left him. Even his bog bites him in the balls now.
And you took his picture for all the world to see. Good for you!
That was supposed to be dog that bites. Sorry.
That looks like a fun way to travel town! Wish they had something like it here. . .hmmm, maybe we should start one. But I think I would require my pedalers to smile. :)
His sense of style makes me gag. That is funny!
lol! love this and the apt caption!!
He doesn't seem very happy with his career choice!
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