Sometimes sassy, always classy. Mama Zen (MZ to her friends) dishes up a unique blend of sly humor, real-world pathos, astonishing eloquence and uncommonly common sense sprinkled liberally with photos and garnished with internet "gems". Just when you think you know what to expect, you don't. (And yeah, guys, she easy on the eyes too. Unfortunately for all you would-be suitors, she's also happily married.) And when MZ herself isn't sending your beverage of choice through your nose, enter the preciously precocious Baby Puppy whose exploits will nearly always make you snort. Or occasionally gasp for breath. A razor sharp wit and a quick mind with an occasional tendency for the irreverent, if you work in a cube farm like I do it might be best to read her blog in the privacy of your home. Because your co-workers will know you're not working. But before you get the idea that it's all fun and games, Mama Zen will every now and then turn to a serious subject and write something so profoundly touching that it leaves you breathless (and not in the Baby Puppy way). You don't want to miss her entries on 55 Flash Fiction Friday. How she can put so many twists into 55 words is a mystery that makes the Riddle of the Sphinx blush. And as a bonus, you'll frequently be served up candid, unbiased reviews of various books, games, household products, foods... you name it. If you're a guy -- or anyone who "man-shops" (gender notwithstanding) -- reviews and special deals probably don't mean a lot to you, but for the rest of you this is useful information. And all of it is served up with a smile just like back home.
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Mojo, you are too sweet. Too, too sweet. Thank you!
I just spend a long time reading.... and I really liked it :)
I have seen MamaZen around the 'net but hadnt met her in 'person' til now! Thanks for the introduction.
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