Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bet you get this wrong.

That was the subject line in the message, and hey... I could never resist a challenge. And they were right, I got the first one wrong. After that the pattern was pretty obvious. Try it for yourself and see.

(Excerpt from message -- Source:
Remember the Pepsi-Coke Challenge? Here's a new twist: Try the Bush-McCain Challenge -- our new online quiz -- and see if you can tell the difference between Bush and McCain!

We challenge you to tell them apart -- it's harder than you'd think.

Ready to get started? Just click a button below to start this new 3-minute challenge:

Q: After Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003, who said "Mission Accomplished"?
Bush     McCain     Bush & McCain

Play a round, then send it to your friends.

The Bush-McCain Challenge is a great way to show that voting for McCain is basically like voting for a third term of Bush. On every important issue facing our country, they stand together.

John McCain has built a moderate image (much like George W. Bush, who first ran for president as a "compassionate conservative" promising a "humble" foreign policy)—but the Bush-McCain Challenge tells the real story.

This email is just the start. Next week, ads will go up on and other top news websites. MoveOn members will set up tables outside of McCain events and do the Challenge. And we may even take it to TV.

It starts with you. Will you take the Bush-McCain Challenge right now, then send it to your friends? If you get five friends to play, we'll send you a new bumper sticker. Click here to play:
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