I'm back with more dogs... and a cat.
That's Tinker on the left in the top shot. She's the puppy I thought would make me famous. She got her name from a couple of different sources. First of all she was Tonka's little sister and the runt of the litter, so in keeping with the "toy theme" I figured Tinker Toys to go along with Tonka Toys. But mainly it came from Tinkerbell. She was small and always kid of hovering around the edges, but she almost didn't make it into the world alive. She survived because I decided "have given mouth-to-mouth to a newborn puppy" would look good on my resume. I don't know if it's bolstered my CV or not, but when I see this picture my resume doesn't matter so much.
The second shot is Socks, a friend of a friend. I thought this shot was neat because I happened to catch the latticework in the background lined up with his ears. Cool, eh?
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can't figure out which one is my favorite pic~~the puppies or the cat~~love the way the lattice work and the cat's ears look~~neat pictures, but then you are so talented in your photography
ohmygosh - those puppies are the cutest thing ever!!!!
Oh, this is too ironic. You two should really get to know each other. Charlene, this is Nanny goat, Nanny, this is Charlene. You two must have an awful lot to talk about so I'll leave you to it.
And thanks for the love feed!
Your puppies are great, but I LOVE the cat.
no question I think what I love more.... but yeah, cats are okay too.
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