Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #10 (Tuesday Edition): Cherry Tulip Magnolia Blossoms

"Cherry Tulip Magnolia Blossoms"
Washington, DC - April 1998 (Click to embiggen)

Wordless Wednesday - Button Image by Smarmoofus

Since the hibiscus was such a smash hit I thought I'd give flowers another go. One of the more pleasant smelling things in DC is the cherry trees. Which these aren't... I found out courtesy of Kenju. (And she would know!) These are actually Tulip Magnolias. (Boy is my face red!)
Four days until Bloggin' the Square '08

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Ryanne said...

Those are beautiful blossoms. I love purple. Thanks for you nice comment about my sunset pic, I thought it looked like a fire in the sky too. Have a happy week!

Anonymous said...

I love cherry blossoms they give out one of the most romantic feels when strolling under them :)

Mona said...

Blossoms are always my favorite, any kind of blossom covered tee is like magic! It is like a vision of a fairyland. You stand under one & shake the bark & they shower over you!

Ah! How blissfully sensuous is that!

Juliana said...

it is beautiful :D

Mine in here : Miniatures and Water Tower Thanks

CK Ng said...

Nice blossoms. They look different from the ones in Japan.

eastcoastlife said...

Cherry blossoms in Washington!? How cool!

Pea in a Pod said...

Oh..we have that a lot here during the first weeks of Spring! :D Nice shot!

Mine is posted here;

jams o donnell said...

Wow what a beautiful photo. Happy WW

Rhonda Gales said...

Beautiful photo. I love the Cherry Blossoms in D.C.

SandyCarlson said...

There is nothing like the cherry blossom for beauty and fragrance.

Susan Demeter said...

I love cherry trees! As a kid we used to have one in our backyard, and they are beautiful :)

Happy WW :)

My WW entries for today are at:

Pastyme With Good Companye

The Paranormal Blog

Nuttin' But

Please stop by if you have a moment :)

ellen b. said...

That's a beautiful photo of the blossoms!

chellekay said...

what a beautiful picture of the blossoms!

Kat said...

I love walking around D.C durning that time of year.

Carver said...

That's a beautiful shot.

kenju said...

The photo is beautiful, but that is a tulip magnolia tree, not cherry blossoms.

Mojo said...

Well I'll be dipped in sh*t. That's what the botanically challenged get for relying on memory rather than research.

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, they are beautiful. I love the saturatation of color in this shot. It completely captivates!

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are beautiful flowers. It must be rewarding to see them in bloom.

Thanks for visiting my other blog.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Flowers are great subjects! Must be great to see the blooms at this time of the year. Thanks for visiting :)

heartcaptures said...

lovely purple blooms. :)

crpitt said...

Love this :)

After wondering about Mid Atlantic and wondering why I would want to visit the middle of the ocean, I googled it.

It seems like you Americans cant actually decide what states are classed as Mid Atlantic.

I get all the comments on my blog via email, so yes I got yours and thank you for taking the time to leave such an interesting take on it. It makes sense, but its seeing sense that's the problem with me :)

carrie said...

that is one swell picture! I love those kind of flowers. And the colors.

And I'm gushing...but it's just really nice.

ZAM said...

It's beautiful..and you captured them so well..
