9 hours ago
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Ruby Tuesday (#2) and Wordless Wednesday #14 (Tuesday Edition): Rockets' Red Glare
The best laid plans -- or Plan A's at least -- often get derailed. If Plan A for this past Fourth of July had gone the way it was supposed to, you'd be seeing this shot taken from the deck of a tour boat. But it didn't go that way, so Plan B has you seeing it as it went off directly over my head at Atlantic Beach, NC. The air was so heavy the smoke just lingered there, making for some very interesting effects.
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Very impressive fireworks.
Hi, Mojo
A show of lights, like the fires of artifice, these are magnificent. Thanks for sharing.
hugs, Denise
Dear Mojo,
Wow, what an overwhelming ruby fireworks shooting.
Caught in a glimpse.
From Felisol
Great fireworks, Mojo! :)
Ooo you sneaky doing RT and WW in one post [what a good idea!] Although I'm sort of cheating myself as mine won't be up until later tonight as we're still on Monday.
Those are awesome! It is so damm hard to capture fireworks, great job and good RT.
The sky really lit up with those fireworks. Happy Ruby Tuesday. ;-)
What a delightful, glistening show of red! These fireworks must have been awesome!
very cool :)
Amazing fireworks, and I love the sense of motion you've captured here! Beautiful.
By the way, I see you like writing prompts too? There's one in the upper right corner on my blog you might like. Hope you'll come over and play.
Fabulous shots. The red is vivid, the explosions seem real and the smoke obviously enhancing the brilliance of the fireworks.
Francis Scott Key would be quite impressed!
Very cool!
I'm up here.
stunning photos!
Gorgeous bright red fireworks!! :)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!!
Beautiful red flare!
I love fireworks. These red ones are dazzling! Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Bobbie in Hawaii
Hi Mojo, this is great for RRtU! Great going and Happy WW also.
My WW is on the other blog, has Adi, and is GREEN. Jim's Little Photo Place
Stunning fireworks! Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Ruby Tuesday
Now I've got the Star-Spangled Banner song going on in my head..."and the rockets red glare..." Great fireworks, and Happy Ruby Tuesday.
thats fabulous! very wonderful and perfect capture..
here's mine sweetnorms and travelnorms..
Sorry my link didn't work. here it is
"Ruby Tiuesday
Waw, impressive.Never tried to take photos of fireworks. Maybe I must try in the future.
WOW what a show that must have been - love the 2nd photo - take care, Judyx
Great shots. I bet it was a great display. Happy WW
Beautiful bursts!
Awesome fireworks!!!
These are great fireworks, the colour is stunning & your photos are fantastic! Happy Ruby Tuesday :-)
Wow!!!! Those are spectacular shots! Very impressive :)
Happy WW :)
My WW entries for today are at:
Pastyme With Good Companye
The Paranormal Blog
Nuttin' But
Please stop by if you have a moment :)
Fireworks are so Nostalgic for me they take me right back to my childhood watching them on warm summer nights w/ my siblings
Oh wow! That's a spectacular fiery red fireworks! Wheeeee!
You still got a fantastic shot with Plan B. I have yet to get a nice shot of fireworks.
Oh, love the shot, its awesome.
Whoa!!! The second shot is PERFECTION! Mine is HERE if you have a time! Thanks!
these are really wonderful MoJo!
fireworks are so difficult to capture so these are extra impressive
Wow! What wonderful shots. I love them both. I haven't gotten to see any fireworks for a while so I lawys enjoy the pictures. I really love that second one.
Hola Mojo, Cool Shots. The second one looks like a picture from space. Since I am new to your site, I am guessing that Ruby Tuesday is not necessarily a call for red pics but in case you are interested I took a picture of windmills at dusk (as the car was moving...yikes) but it came out a little ruby/fiery.
You switched gears perfectly and managed to bring home some seriously gorgeous photos. I gasped when these first loaded. I know how hard it is to "get" fireworks...exposure is always tricky, you never quite know where to look in the sky, focusing is even tougher.
Yet these look like they ought to be in a magazine. Neat.
I set the camera to manual and (oddly enough) used the same baseline exposure I use to shoot hockey games (1/250 sec @ f/2.8). Even though the meter would probably vehemently disagree with me, I know that as soon as the bombs start bursting in air I'm going to have way more than enough light for that exposure to work In fact, that may be too slow a shutter (which might account for some of the "blown out" look in the second shot especially); I could probably shoot it a stop faster than that (or stopped down to f/4.0 or 5.6) and still get ample saturation.
The problem I had with this series was that I was using way too much lens. I'd expected to be a good bit further from the "action" than I was, and didn't feel like schlepping my whole bag around all night, so I just twisted on the 200mm and left the rest behind. Bad move as it turned out. (The 200 was also the fastest lens I had at the time I hadn't yet bought my 85mm f/1.8 which would have been perfect for this). We were so close to the "impact area" that we had to dodge a few falling -- and still glowing -- ashes.
Overall, I probably took 200+ shots in bursts of 3-9 exposures at a time (another habit borrowed from shooting hockey). Most of them wound up on the cutting room floor as you can imagine, but I got a few that were worthy of sharing.
Next time I'll bite the bullet and carry the bag. Or better yet, I'll put together one of those modular harness systems that allow you to distribute the gear (and the weight) so it's not all focused on your shoulder. I think the one I saw was put out by either Tamrac or LowePro. Either way, it's on my gear list!
wow! these shots are great! i never had a perfect fireworks photo.
wonderful fireworks
Those were wonderful fireworks! Happy WW! :)
that must be quite a sight!
I'm sorry that it didn't go exactly as planned, but you got great results anyway..The last fireworks I went to the smoke just lingered too..
Plan B looks pretty awesome!
Those are just one of those nano-moments that's right on the dot.
Great WW pictures.
That's very impressive.
Those are awesome pictures...thanks for posting them so we can see.
Wow, these are RED, haha. Very good photos for Ruby Tuesday.
Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Great photos!
Awesome fireworks photos.
Happy Belated Ruby Tuesday!
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