Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pour Some Sugar On Me!

"Right to Left, Bryan, Nicole and Batman"
Raleigh, NC - January 2009 (Click to embiggen)

What can I tell ya?

Sugar's benefit event for the family that lost their home to fire just after the New Year succeeded beyond all expectations. Besides playing the show, the band also donated all proceeds from sales of the CD Laziest Perfectionist by tHE DESIGN1 to the fund. That contribution, a silent auction, and cash donations totaled $4566. When I talked to Bryan Sunday evening he said, "It should be a good crowd, so you never know. If we bring in a thousand or two it'll be a good night." Good enough to bring donation trustee Nicole Kincaid to tears when she announced the total at the end of the night.

Not a bad night's work if you ask me. Not bad at all.

1 Confused? It's okay. tHE DESIGN is another guise of Sugar that does all original material. Same band, different name, all new music. Want to know more? Here's a compilation of what I've written on them in the last few months.

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1 comment:

Shadow said...

i'm so happy. this is excellent news!!!!!!!