Some people have mentioned that they've had trouble getting the badges, buttons and other promotional bling from Violence Unsilenced to work properly. So being the helpful type, I worked out the bugs and have collected all of the various graphics and other media I know about and put them all together here in one place. I've tested all of these on my own blog, so I can conclusively say they work like they're supposed to on Blogger. The code is pretty basic, so I don't anticipate a problem on other platforms, but if some of you Wordpress and TypePad users would try them out and confirm that for me I'd appreciate it.
Update: A couple of TypePad users have reported problems using both the code here and on the VU Pledge Page. Whether the problem is in the code itself or TypePad not wanting to talk to the image hosts used in it I don't really know. But I've been able to get both sites fixed by stripping everything down to a minimum. If your badges are displaying properly, you don't need to change anything. But if you're having trouble getting them to display with the code as it's written here, Ive added a stripped down version that should fix the problem just below the originals. If that doesn't fix it, then you may have to download the images and upload them to your own server at which point you can simply treat them as you would a photo of other graphic using whatever interface your platform provides. And if you still can't get them to work, leave me a comment with the "Email follow-up comments to" box checked or just email me directly [jbengel (at) brandenburg3 (dot) com]. Just make sure I have a way to respond to you for whatever Q&A might be needed to resolve it.
Pledge Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
"Scream" Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
"Mini" Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
"Full Moon" Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
B&W Badge 1
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
B&W Badge 2
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
Post Footer Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
Alternate Post Footer Badge
Get The Code:
Alternate Code for Problem Platforms:
Promo Video #1
Get The Code:
Both the embedding code and the link code are available in the video window itself (after the video ends), or on the YouTube page where it's hosted.
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Thank you for posting these - I could not get any of the ones on the site to load correctly on my blog - now I am good to go!
Wicked Awesome! Thanks for these. I had some difficulty with the original badges of the site, but finally got it to work. Now I have a few different ones to post all over. Totally cool! (Hugs)Indigo
HI there....
I emailed Maggie to let her know I was displaying the badge before I realized it wasn't working on my site. I have a TypePad blog and regardless of what I do, and where I get the code from, your site or hers, I can't get the badges to display properly.
Help! Please!
Auds at Barking Mad
PS...I left it up on the right hand sidebar so you could get an idea of what's happening.
This evening, when adding a VU badge to my Wordpress blog, I discovered that the reason it wouldn't load properly was the quotation marks in the code. When I copied and pasted, Wordpress converted all the quotation marks into the kind of quotation marks that are unreadable in code. I deleted all the " and typed in new " and I was good to go.
@Jennifer: That's truly odd because when I copy and paste the code into a text editor it doesn't do anything peculiar to the quotes. The code section has to be coded with the intrinsic constants "& quot ;" so it will actually render as text in the browser rather than actually rendering the markup, so it's possible that Wordpress (and perhaps TypePad as well?) is trying to create "smart quotes" from them. Were you using the HTML editor or the WYSIWYG editor in Wordpress? That might make a difference.
Thanks so much for doing this!!
Thank you so much. It works! Working on that post!
Thank you, Mojo!
thanks!!!!! it's on my blog at
Thanks I could not get other to work, this did the trick
I had the same problem on a WP blog and noticed the same thing another commenter did, that it was the quotes. I forget what the difference is but the quotes look italicized. Not sure why that would affect it but when I changed those it worked.
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