About the time I turned 40 I started to realize that my arms weren't quite long enough to read the fine print anymore. I could still see just fine under normal circumstances and for a guy my age, my vision is pretty sound overall. But getting up close and personal with small type gets to be a problem sometimes. So I bought these arm extenders at the local pharmacy to deal with the problem. Now I can read this hockey schedule no mater how small they print it.
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HeHe! Good one.
I can read the finest print even today but until last year, I had the thickest Myopic specs you could ever imagine, was almost blind when it came to distance!
Check this out! :D
I see! ;)
This is such a great shot, I can almost read the hockey schedule!
If you cannot read the hockey schedule the world does not spin.
I get it! Priorities...you understand....lol
Ya think it's never goign ot hapen to you, and then?
Yay for arm-extenders!
Arm extenders! Of course! I think I am going to steal that expression when it comes time to get my own pair - I'm 41 and it's starting to happen to me too, but so far my own arms have been long enough to do the job!
tooooo funny. yeah, my the hell do the arms shrink...
[Looks at arms. Sees specs hanging off bridge of nose. Yup...]
Last year, I took a picture of my glasses on my aunt's kitchen table after having had a similar moment. Another touchstone of time's relentless march.
My composition and depth of field were nowhere near as memorable as this, though. This rocks!
A great shot! I had thought of doing something with my specs and a dictionary, but I just couldn't get it how I wanted it. Yours works really well though!
Ooh, I like. I like the way the print is sharper NOT filtered through the glasses. Great color scheme, too black white and red.
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