I'm definitely enjoying the theme this week; I thought it was just a run of the mill theme, but thru' my bloghopping I find so many terrific striped items/objects/animals/posts.
That's one pretty weird looking marine life :P You've got a Lionfish, I've got a tiger for PH over at my other blog @ Its Not a Weekend;Its a Lifestyle
I'm definitely enjoying the theme this week; I thought it was just a run of the mill theme, but thru' my bloghopping I find so many terrific striped items/objects/animals/posts.
Have a great weekend.
I love tropical fish, and this one is particuarly neat. His markings are rather amazing. But the sea is utterly amazing.
Sheila :-)
That's one pretty weird looking marine life :P
You've got a Lionfish, I've got a tiger for PH over at my other blog @ Its Not a Weekend;Its a Lifestyle
What a brilliant photo!
I didn't see one during my visit to Underwater World Singapore. This fish is stunning.
It's been forever since I thought about how much I love tropical fish. Great photo.
Charming looking fellow, great photo.
excellent portrait!
ooo...dangerous fish.
Wow, what a fish!
Great shot and take on the theme.
I am really enjoying seeing all the creative ways that stripes are created all around us. So interesting and fun!
Great photo and nice choice for our 'striped' theme. They really do exude a "don't mess with me" attitude don't they??
Striped eye even, better than that well known striped quadriped.
Yes, thats a few stripes :) Amazing creature - and perfect for the theme :)
That is one stunning fish. Have a great weekend
I love your shot of this striped fish! Even the eyes have stripes!
Mine is up too!
Have a great weekend :)
Ohhh....I love this photo!
from ties to fish... the mind is a many varied thing indeed.
My oh my....this is great for stripes!!!!
My stripes are posted. Found all over Texas! Come see for yourself. Happy weekend wishes sent your way.
Now, that's an interesting photo! Isn't it amazing how many stripes are all around us?
This is lion fish right? Very nice shot and so fit for the theme. Here's mine http://www.mirasblog.com/2009/04/photo-hunt-12-stripes.html
One scary looking fish. But beautiful in its unique way. D
Great choice! This fish cameoflauge looks like a shell.
Uh-oh....you are not first....did you sleep in?
Wow, those are kind of scary looking stripes! Great capture.
This is an awesome shot. I have a terrible time avoiding glare.
this is one variety of aquarium fishes that fascinates me...
A very nice photo for today.
Sure have seen some interesting stripes, this is one of the most interesting~
Very nice take on the theme. Lovely fish.
I'm up as well.
That is one freaky looking fish!! LOL Great take on the theme though. TFS
Isn't he the handsome one! hehehe Great shot!
Fascinating creature - excellent capture
Now that is original!
great photo hunt :-)
Very cool! Perfect for the theme.
Happy Weekend!
Amanda :)
Amanda's Weekly Zen
That´s a cool portrait!
Gool take on the theme! Never thought of having striped eyes...
Great picture! Very cool fish!
What a great shot of a lion fish. Your photos are always so nice.
Great photo for this week's stripe theme!!!
Mines is up too!
ooooh cool stripes, love this picture
I love Lionfish! Mr Stripey, my friend!
Wow, you got to adore those stripes!
What an awesome striped creature!
Here are my stripes
What an awesome striped creature!
Here are my stripes
Wow ... WONDERFUL 'take' this week! Mine's at Sacred Ruminations ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I came back even though I commented before - I think he is thinking: "You'd pout too if you had to drink water that fish poop in all day."
Being new in photography, I really haven't tried animals as subject. That's a great shot!
wow, my kind of stripe! what an excellent catch!
wow, my kind of stripe! what an excellent catch!
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