Update: ('Scuse me while I whip this out.) For the first time in the history of Why? What Have You Heard? I have a photo ranked #1 in some kind of voting. My April 14 Two4Tuesday entry Two4Tuesday #8: "Wet/Dry" made top o' the charts in the weekly poll. (Two4Tuesday doesn't list the actual number of votes, so it may have actually been a tie for first, but that's hardly the point is it?) So a big thank you to all those who voted, and a really big thank you to all those who voted for me.
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Saw the theme, scanned the archives, had the idea, took the shot, converted and cropped, uploaded and posted in 15 minutes.
And all before coffee. Not too shabby.
Not too shabby at all, it's wonderful. Very creative take on the prompt, and I love the combination of colors.
Love the colors in this one.
It takes lot of thinking to photograph according to the theme everyday, isn't it?
This is perfect!
I'm with Robin - the color combo is captivating.
First time? I doubt that...you shoot so consistently/creatively that, official vote or not, anyone who visits here can't possibly ever forget your work.
That's a bottle, right? I love the colors!
Congrats Mojo :)! I agree to Carmi all the way. Anyone who visits here can't possibly ever forget your work. You also keep me guessing. Were those red kryptonites actually bread crumbs or what? This is a blue bottle or vase, right? But what is the dark shadow behind it? A label? Have a great day.
Considering I'd been out of bed for less than 20 minutes when I took this shot, I wasn't planning that carefully. I just flashed on the bottle and realized it would work and shot it. You're actually looking out my kitchen window and the colors/shadows on the left are just the sun coming through the trees in the back yard (and the screen on the window). The short depth of field is intentional (courtesy of an f/2.8 aperture) because the whit background is actually the garage door (it's a nice enough door, but not especially appealing in an aesthetic sense). If I could've blurred the background any more I would have, but I didn't have the time to fool around with the macro filters and frankly it didn't occur to me to do it -- or even to get the f/1.8 lens which would have shortened depth of field a little further. (I did mention that this was before coffee, right?)
So really the only conscious thought that went into this shot was the subject, the exposure and the crop.
If you're interested, I shot it on aperture priority, f/2.8, 1/30", ISO 100, EV +0, Auto white balance. Normally I wouldn't have used Av mode, but I needed to get it in one shot in order to have time to do everything else required to get it posted. (Okay, I actually took two shots because I never take one when two will do the job. I didn't have time to tinker with settings is my point.)
Oh, and for those who might be interested, I'll explain the Red Kryptonite from Macro Monday on that post.
Love that color blue ... like the Florida skies this past weekend
Back from holiday, trying to catch up ...
Congrats on being #1! If I had voted, I would have voted for yours. Now I am going to figure out how to vote on that Tuesday twofer thing so I can vote for you for this one. Love that blue.
I love to read details like these. Thank you so much for adding them :). Ah, that's actually sunshine on your window! It gives a nice effect to the already beautiful blue bottle. Great, great shot. Have a nice day.
this is brilliant!
a work of art!
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