You may have noticed Mr. Linky's been cranky lately, and late yesterday an email went out to all the registered users explaining part of the reason why. Basically, if you have the header script in your template, they're asking you to remove it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, chances are you don't have to worry about it.) The full explanation is at: is up with Mr. Linky? Mr. Linky AWOL Mr. Linky no worky Mr. Linky broken
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Who is Mr Linky?
I didnt get an email and I have no idea what a header script is
Mr. Linky, feel better soon.
I was looking this up and found your site. I got the message and followed their instruction, but now it seems Mr. Linky doesn't work at all any where.. What's that all about? Mr. Linky is not on my good list right now...
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