This week Thematic Photographic focuses on "Human". Which is going to be tricky for me because I rarely take photographs of people and even more rarely publish them. Just too much of a liability most of the time. So the archives weren't much help for openers, but I did find this shot of the wait for the Apocalypse. It was New Year's Eve 1999 and the Y2K craze was about to reach its climax. By the time I took this shot it was probably already 1/1/2000 somewhere in the world, but the clock had not yet ticked over here on the East Coast. Seems like a lot of people were disappointed that there was no cataclysmic global system failure. But working in IT, I was definitely not one of them.
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mmm, i remember those minutes ticking away, wondering if the world will come to a standstill...
There are a lot of humans there .. mostly all in focus .. nice job! ;-)
Yikes! I remember all the angst we had over an old computer system at the lab and how we worked feverishly to get the data over to a new system before the 2000 deadline... turns out the transfer lost more than continued operation of the old system... in fact, I think it might be still in action.
This shot reminds me of the movie Independence Day when they were having parties on top of the buildings in LA and NY just before things went .... BOOM!
I remember this night so well. I was also an IT wonk then, so was tasked with staying close to home in case the inevitable happened.
The hysteria of that period was incredible. I rather enjoyed watching folks freak out for no good reason. When's the nest date-related nuttiness?
That night brings back so many memories :) Thanks for sharing yours.
Whoa! How cool!
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