The Royal James Cafe takes its name from the ship captained by the pirate Stede Bonnet. Bonnet was an unlikely sort of pirate having served with some distinction in the British army and retiring as a Major but having no experience to speak of as even a sailor, much less master of a ship. His career as a pirate lasted only about a year before the Royal James was captured by Colonel William Rhett in September 1718. The cafe, however, is a much friendlier environment than a pirate brigantine and if you're ever in Beaufort, you really should try it at least once.
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looks darn inviting
Ha, Mojo! No plank walking... I assume seafood is served? Happy Sepia Scenes! :)
What an inviting place. This will definitely be set for a visit if I ever get to Beaufort - which actually isn't so unlikely since DH and I plan a Civil War sites trek a few years down the line from now.
I thought it WAS your place! ;)
Great sepia and really cool name!!
I would love to visit this place sometime :)
Hope you have a great day!
I hope you get at least a free brunch from that advertisement.
I like homey places like this.
Enjoy the coffee.
The charm here is the dark and sepia building. The coloration is so British, and reminds me of a UK treat with the same color: Black and tan ale. Very British, chap!
Fun! I once researched oldtime pirates for a project and discovered their lives were not nearly as romantic sounding as kids are often led to believe.
I bet this eatery is more like the romantic view though, right?
Great subject for sepia. The roof detail is very eye catching!
Ah, it's been awhile since I've read anything about Stede. I actually crossed his path in some geneology work a few years ago.
My maiden name is Bonnett. :)
As I recall he had some dealings with Blackbeard.
Anyway - great shot! There is some nice shadow play going on here.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
PS - meant to add I liked the reflections and wondered if the windows were always that clean looking.
Great photo and story!! Looks good in Sepia! Have a great day!!
Cool looking cafe. Thanks for sharing the photo and the story.
That looks old and interesting
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