You really gotta be "Old Raleigh" to remember when this was the emergency room entrance for Rex Hospital. Because Rex moved out of this building back in the early 80's sometime for bigger, better digs out in the burbs. Back in the dying days of the Eisenhower Administration it was in this very building that a 9 lb.-12 oz., 22-inch baby Mojo made his grand entrance to the world. (Not that you should be looking for a star hovering over the roof or anything, it's just an interesting side-note.) In fact, this building isn't even a hospital any longer, though it does still provide emerbency services of a sort. The NC Employment Security Commission calls "The Old Rex" home now, and their job is putting a band-aid on your unemployment pains. I stopped here one evening to snag this photo, but I hope I don't have to visit again anytime soon.
This is Rex Hospital today (or as they call themselves now, "Rex Healthcare". And obviously I didn't take this today). I wasn't born here but my sons were. And it was here that my dad breathed his last almost nine years ago now. You can barely make out the original "New Rex" in the middle of all this. The hospital has grown amoeba-like since it opened on this campus and now covers several acres. I don't know that I could even find my way around the hospital now, but if I needed help, I could always call on my neighbor Carver, who's much more familiar with the place than I am. (And probably much more familiar with it than she'd like.)
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I live close to it. Next to the State Fairgrounds. My little one got his ear tubes in Rex - I mean the new one. Health care is a gigantic business - and they come up with new diseases to charge for every day. As Bill Maher said: Allergies, Autism, Attention Deficit... and these are only the A :)My personal favorite is the "restless leg syndrome". Scared me when my oldest one was 3 years old - they said Autism. Tests...tests...tests... until the kid grew over it.
In the thirteen years that I've been in Raleigh, I've made several trips to Rex. And the changes have continued over that time period as well. I can only imagine how you see the changes. Thanks for giving me something else I didn't know about my adopted home.
Wellington Hospital, back in New Zealand is a little like your description of the 'New Rex' hospital...
The original hospital is sort of cocooned inside all of the ew buildings...
an interesting post as always and now i know a little more about the Rex...have a wonderful evening :)
Another great post, Mojo! Always enjoy your humor as well as the information you impart and the shots of your world that you share! Have a great week!
Your comment about band-aids on unemployment was funny - but, I'm afraid, too true.
Nice to see that Raleigh has a modern hospital facility. Nobody wants to go to a hospital, but when you need one, it's great to have a good one.
It is always interesting to step back and see how things have changed and evolved. Is it a sign of our aging populice that hospitals seem to be ever growing?
Your world is always so interesting, Mojo. The old and the new - hope you don't have to spend any time in either building!
Thank you for this interesting post!
Aesthetics were more important then, I guess. So long as what goes on inside works!
Ahhh, to think that Mojo came home from the hospital maybe through that very door.
It's nice to know that old buildings find new tenants. I hate to see old usable buildings being demolished then build a new one.
Band aids on unemployment resonated. We still have free healthhcare for all in the UK... just. Interesting to see the world of your hospitals for real and the chanhging sytem. So Carver is a neighbour. Who'd thought that.
Hospitals are necessary evils but I would rather be out thanin...Seen indide too many of them.
Interesting post, especially with the personal note.
Your new hospital's beautiful; ours looks like a Victorian asylum. Oh wait, ours IS a ... *sigh*
I hope you never need it, however!
This was a great idea. Rex hospital, both the original and the ever expanding new one are a great example of the changes in Raleigh through the years.
Interesting photos and I always love the stories that go with them!
Interesting how everything changes The building nearly comes alive by calling him rex
That top photo reminds me that there must have been a "hospital architecture" defined in that period. You can instantly spot one from that era, regardless of its current use.
Great little piece of history there, very cool that is where a huge Hurricanes fan was born.
Have a great week
Regina In Pictures
hospitals are so depressing..
From medical care to unemployment - stay away from both. Although it's always interesting and poignant to visit one's birthplace.
Nice ... and I love the accompanying prose .. 'band-aid on your unemployment pains'
Born and raised in Raleigh? That makes you a permanent fixture?
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