Thursday, September 03, 2009

Thematic Photographic 65: "Perspective" v.2.0 - Applied Geometry

"Homework Problem"
Greensboro, NC - April 2009 (Click to embiggen)

Thematic Photographic hosted by Carmi - Button Image by Smarmoofus Hosted by Written Inc.

Welcome to a tour of The Mind of Mojo. No, don't be scared. Really. But in order to understand how I arrived at this shot for today you have to follow the bouncing ball. See, yesterday's photo reminded me of a drafting class, so I centered the post on that. Then mentioned that drafting was just applied geometry. Which is of course correct, and reminded me of this shot which I'd used on the "Odd Angles and Unusual Perspectives" theme at Pic A Theme. The title I used for that post was "Geometry Homework". So following that byzantine trail of breadcrumbs, we get here to "Applied Geometry". It's not really so confusing when it's kept in perspective right? (Just smile and nod...)
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plainolebob said...

like playin pool this bank shot

Canadian Mark said...

So you took this shot while sitting in a tree?

smarmoofus said...

Hah! I recognized my words! Catchy title. ;) And those angles are dizzying.
