On the way from my parking deck to my office I have to pass by the Albemarle Building which has in front of it a collection of rather impressive raised beds kept planted with seasonal bulbs and/or perennial plants that pretty well keep going all year long. There's nearly always something growing and or blooming in there, and this past May I happened to catch these rather impressive hostas doing their best rain barrel impression. And since I couldn't resist closing out the "Leaves" theme with "hosta la vista baby", here they are for you to enjoy all these months later.
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great shot as always!
u may view mine if u have time
Nice crisp shot. I love the title!
There you go trying to "pun"ish us again! Nicely done these are so crisp I could almost reach out and touch them!
Damn, isn't nature a scary-incredible artist, eh? Water droplets on velvety-soft leaves always get me, but only when they're captured with perfect precision. Which, bien sur, you have.
No, I didn't see that coming, but I should have!
that looks fresh
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