I may get an argument here about whether or not this light is "orange" or "golden". This is where being a guy comes in handy though because even though I scored off the chart on the color discrimination test, because I'm a guy I'm not expected to understand the subtle variations between orange and sienna and tangerine (and it's probably true that I couldn't call them by their given names). Which in this case works out well for me because I can respond to any suggestion that this is not, in fact, orange with the Bill Engvall standard, "Sorry... I'm just a guy".
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this is totally the best picture i've seen you post!!! orange, golden, neither, i think its red!
I'll go for tangerine glow, thus covering most of the bases.
Whatever you call it, it's spectacular.
What a stunningly atmospheric photograph, it's beautiful.. whatever colour the beholder wants to call it!
Makes me think of the Beatles: Picture yourself in a boat on a river, With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Tangerine! Now you said it! The most beautiful orange/tangerine/blood red sky I've seen!
Stunning, Mojo.
Looks orange to me (and I'm not a guy). We have oranges and tangerines in our fruit basket, and they are pretty much the same colour.
Tangerine. Yes. And cinnamon.... And perfect. And I know that pier....
Such a beautiful color to the scene! Love the mist way too!
Just one word:
Amazing, whatever you call it!
Doesn't matter what color we call it. But I think the tourist bureau would want this. Are you calling them or should I make the call on your behalf?
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