"This Is Not a Christmas Light"
Greensboro, NC - December 2009 (Click to embiggen)

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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
"This Is Not a Christmas Light"
Greensboro, NC - December 2009 (Click to embiggen)
Now THAT'S a homerun. Straight out of the park. Wow that's good.
My Red Tuesday
It is a nice shade of red! Love the glow!
A lovely tapered ruby! The tone of red range from near orange below to a deeper red (NC State?) upstairs. The contours are perfect for this post...
That IS nice! Beautiful red glow and the composition is wonderful!
That's amazing!
That's beautiful!
Please check out For the love of Family
Really nice lantern.
My RT with Santa
very ruby indeed. Nicely done.
Beautiful red !
That's some effect, Mojo! How did you do that? Amazing! Thanks so much for participating in Ruby Tuesday! I really appreciate it! :)
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