"A One-Eyed, One-Horned... Oh Nevermind..."
Raleigh, NC - November 2009 (Click to embiggen)
You might think this blacklight poster look is a holiday decoration gone horribly wrong. That'd be a reasonable expectation, but it would also be an incorrect one. No, this Progress Energy substaion is always lit up like my bedroom back in high school. I have no idea why. Perhaps because it's within walking distance of a half dozen popular downtown night spots and they wanted it to blend in. Or maybe there's a more practical reason. But whatever the reason, I've never seen this kind of setup before, though -- as you'll see in the next couple of days -- Raleigh's city fathers have some .. "different" ideas about lighting aesthetics.
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nicely done and likely not such an easy shot to capture with little light
Now, that's weird.
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