Monday, January 18, 2010

My World Tuesday #66: Bigger Than It Looks

"Objects In Long Lenses May Appear Closer Than They Are"
Raleigh, NC - December 2009 (Click to embiggen)

Be a virtual tour guide on That's My World Tuesday

I thought that Lichtin Plaza would make a pretty cool MWT post -- mainly because I had a pretty decent photo of it all lit up at night. SO I visited the website for the to see what I could find out about it. And this is what they had to say.
The Lichtin Plaza is a two-acre feature fronting the Progress Energy Center. It will serve as a venue for festivals, concerts, gatherings, and tented social functions.
Wow. What a disappointment, yeah? You'd think they'd have something more to offer.
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eileeninmd said...

It does look nice lit up at night. Sounds like a great place for social functions.

Sylvia K said...

It does look big and lovely all lit up! Great place to go for a lot of things! Have a great week!


Carver said...

That does make a good my world post and the photograph is excellent.

B i r g i t t a said...

A mighty evening shot very suitable for MW :)

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

That is a great night time photo. Have you ever attended an event there?

Marie said...

A perfect night shot :-)

Jane Hards Photography said...

In a strange way this reminded me of my old stomping ground back in England, the City I'm from Birmingham. Not sure weather it is the nigth light or the stone, but homely. Weird.

Martha Z said...

Night time lighting give a very different look.

SandyCarlson said...

I like that nighttime lighting. A lot. Makes me want to go inside.

magiceye said...

you are a master of low light photography!

Gena D said...

Love this shot .. being night time creates a totally different perspective and feeling!!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog
South Africa

Oman said...

its always amazing how thing appear to be so much different in photos. great shot. :)

The Good Life in Virginia said...

like all the columns they used in design makes for a stately entrance

maryt/theteach said...

Impressive looking place, Mojo. Why do the flags say "Broadway," Oh maybe there's a Broadway in NC too? Ha! :)