Sunday, July 18, 2010


Because who would believe this without a picture? I'm telling you, ya can't make this stuff up.
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Robin said...

Umm, yikes.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Sylvia K said...

Uh oh!!

Unknown said...

someone is winding up someone.

this is an excellent capture, seriously!

Mojo said...

I shot this out the window of my mom's hospital room. I think this is the roof of the one of the labs. Seriously! There were other similar signs, but this is the one that caught my attention first.

Fireblossom said...

Too late for a few deep cleansing breaths, I suppose...?

hope said...

Does this feel like a living oxymoron?

Wonder if the hospital's attorney knows about this? ;)

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Makes you wonder though!!!!! :(

I have an award for you on my Passionate Fiction blog. It's a Pink Award...of course you would want a Pink Award, who wouldn't. lol It's OK if you don't want it...just wanted to show I think your writing is worthy of award.

Eaton. :))

PattiKen said...

You're right, no one would believe it. It makes me wonder what kind of creepiness goes on inside the hospital. Hopefully you mom won't be there long.

Anonymous said...

Because, obviously, we wouldn't want biohazard just randomly ventilating outward without some kind of warning. *ahem*

Insane. And totally awesome shot!

magiceye said...

take a deep breath?!!