Thursday, July 29, 2010

sky watch friday #93: goin' fishin'

Sky Watch Friday
 This image and others available for sale at my RedBubble Site!

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Fireblossom said...

Wings are a fine thing to have.

Daryl said...

So Sid, do think we could hit that guy's lens dead on or just go for his head?

You know, Ralph, you are a mean gull...

Maude Lynn said...


Sylvia K said...

Love it! What a terrific shot of the birds/sky for the day! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


Carver said...

Beautiful and I love the title.

Kcalpesh said...

Capturing the flight of birds can be really very difficult! These are very well timed shots...

Hi, I have hosted a small contest on my blog. Hereby leaving a special invitation to participate in it....

Pixellicious Photos

Eaglesbrother said...

Nice.".where's the fish?"

Gigi Ann said...

Fantastic Shot of birds and sky.

Unknown said...

"free" is a good title as well and i love Daryls comments.

re: i used PS CS4 on my panoramic view.

Go to File>Automate>Photomerge>then input the source files and click Ok.

Dave here.

Petrinetrollmor said...

Wonderful !

Martha Z said...

Great capture!

Pearl Maple said...

Great photo for sky watch

clairz said...

Makes me want to fly away.

BraCom said...

Beautiful photo

Regards, Bram

Seen on Skywatch Friday

Don Wood said...

Nice I wish I could fly. Have a good week. XXX Don

Jane said...

Lovely capture Mojo, have a great weekend:)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I love the capture of the wings.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Like wings on fire (in a metaphorical sense!) Wonderful capture!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Look at those birds! They deserve to be #1 on this week's Skywatch. Lovely image.

magiceye said...

this is wow!

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

How did you manage to capture those birds? Mine always seem to fly out of the frame and I'm left looking at a blank sky.

Rossel said...

flying birds against blue background. great shot!

you can see my entry here...

have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love those soaring birds.

Alexander said...

Beautiful shot of the birds flying. Very sharp! :)

Have a good weekend.

Alex's World! -

Kim, USA said...

Oh oh whats out fishes the birds are coming!! happy weekend!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are a romantic photographer. It so sweet to see these two birds flying away.

Jenn Jilks said...

Lovely, birds are difficult!
My world !