Monday, August 09, 2010

my world tuesday #86: evening sam... evening fred...

Be a virtual tour guide on That's My World Tuesday
 This image and others available for sale at my RedBubble Site!

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Fireblossom said...

LOL! I always wondered what they were saying.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, this is the best! And just what I needed this morning!! Yep, I always wondered what they were saying, too! Have a great day!


Daryl said...

So do you think he's with Nat Geo?

Why are you calling me Nat?


Anonymous said...

What a delightful shot!

Carver said...

I love this shot and the title. I saw you left a comment about new linky not being up. I noticed that too. I guess I'll check back later.

Photo Cache said...

hahaha! very nice.

Jane said...

Lovely calm shot of the Cormorants and LOL on the quote, I love that one with the sheepdog.

carmilevy said...

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Thanks for this - and on a Monday, yet!

You know how much I love those quiet moments by the water, when we get to stand there quietly and take it all in. You always manage to capture not only the visual, but the feel of that moment as well.

I can feel the peace, almost hear their little voices, reflecting on the day that was. And I wish I could be Right There, too :)

LivingSoAbundantly said...

Beautiful! :)

Pat said...

LOL! They look like the king and queen of the ocean. I bet seagulls fight over those posts.

Unknown said...

your title makes me smile. delightful photo, the mood is beautiful.

BraCom said...

wonderful picture, very fine mood

Greetings, Bram

Seen on My World Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Looks like they were really looking out for you. Priceless picture!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Too funny! You are just full of humor, lol.

MonsieurGlass said...

evenin' fellas!