"Maybe I Haven't Exhausted The Concept Quite Yet After All"
Raleigh, NC - September 2008 (Click to embiggen)
Well... okay, so maybe I had one more idea left in the candle angle.
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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
"Maybe I Haven't Exhausted The Concept Quite Yet After All"
Raleigh, NC - September 2008 (Click to embiggen)
I like the candles.... ;)
The lighting is nice, but wish I could see more as it hints to lotsa hotness ;)
love it, hot indeed!
Happy HNT
It still works. You haven't exhausted that idea yet. I think it's sexy!
Happy HNT!
Oh that is so nice. I love candle light.
Evening: I'd love to see you in any light... but I can't :(
Elle: Can't see you either lover... not even your profile.
i think the candle light is great.
I love how the light glows... HHNT!
Candlelight and nekkid skin ... the two yummiest things in the world :D HHNT!
Candle lighting rocks.
Happy HNT!
Why *hello* there handsome. :)
I love the candle light. For many things, but it seems to be working well for your pictures too. ;)
Happy HNT!
Soft light on soft skin - great combination :-) Happy HNT
i had to clean my screen first, but then i saw the shadow of your spine. yum
happy HNT
Oh My! You weren't kidding when you left your comment to come see your candlelight shot. I would love to see more. ;-) Meow...
More, more, more!! I love it! You certainly know how to keep my imagination working overtime! HHNT!
Lovely :) You're going to burn your hiney, though!
OH how I love candles and hot wax!
I guess I needed THAT laff too
Nice to see you again - I happen to love these angles. So, you won't hear a "groan" out of me!...i can't believe you groaned at my "hoppy" joke. Oh well. Such is life. *huggies ~n lovies* anyhoo. Cheerio.
Love the darkness of the picture and the candles too.
Happy HNT!
Lovely image!
Is it wrong for me to be amused that when I clicked the 'click to embiggen' text I saw a smaller version of the picture?
xx Dee
Argh, I never figured out how to comment on blogger accounts. I don't have a blogger or google account, yet when I first commented it put me up as Elle, which is fine, so I left it at that. It links to my non-existant blogger account, though. So weird.
Anyway, I stopped by cuz you said hi on my blog: http://www.kinkunleashed.com/
I love candle light, I love how it casts shadows on your back. Very sexy!!
That's an interesting shot in candle light.
wow! wonderful light effect!
this is like a painting!
haHaHAHAHA-your sense of humor knocks me over "maybe...not exhausted"
lighting like Rodin (but not the model!)
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