Chapel Hill, NC - July 2008
Found these in the "organic junk food" section of the Kroger near my friend Kristen's new apartment. We were on our way to a BYOF gathering, and something about these sounded really tasty. Tasty enough for me to plunk down whatever (probably) absurd price Kroger wanted to fetch for them. I was not disappointed. They're slightly heavier on the oil than I might usually like, but this is a chip of substance. No nantsy little girly see-through sheer chips in this bag. Uh uh. These are chiply chips! There is no dip in the world stiff or heavy enough to break them. Not that they need dip, but if you were so inclined you needn't be concerned of leaving half of your chip in the bowl to founder and sink. But these are not chips for the meek. Only the bold chipster can appreciate that satisfying crunch that comes with victory of bicuspid over kettle-hardened potato. And it takes a secure palate to value such simplicity. A masterstroke in the world of snack foods in my estimation.
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Y'know, they do sound good. I clicked to embiggen and now I am emboldened to try them. If I can find them.
Ugh. Not awake yet. I will nap for a bit longer.
Organic Junk Food! I like the term. You have been duly warned of the double doubling power in them!
Kroger... now I have been to that, wonder which State it is in... Tennessee Nashville?
That Kroger sells the utmost fattening stuff & I saw hashes of various shapes & sizes there!
The Packet looks fantastic, & about the Chips, I take your word fro them! :D
@Smoofus: I don't know why they sounded so good to me, maybe just because it's such a simple concept. But everybody that tried them at the party (that I talked to anyway) loved them.
@Mona: If I'm not careful, these could definitely "double" me! Fortunately I don't often indulge in such things. Kroger is a fairly large chain, but I'm not sure how far it reaches. It's not a place I normally shop, so I don't look for it when I'm away from home. I doubt you're going to find one in Agra though.
That was quite a post on potato chips. I am duly impressed.
I'm not so much for chips, but I'll pass this info along to my mom who failed all attempts at 12 step programs for her chip addiction.
@JC: hey, these were some chips I tell ya.
i love these chips~~but does my local kroger carry them~~oh no~~which may be a good thing or i would be too fat for hnt's~~BGWD~~
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