10 hours ago
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thematic Photographic 6: "Light" v.1.0
While it's not exactly the suggestion I made, the Light theme does include the element of Fire, which is the kind of theme I've been saving the first shot for. It's is one of my most favorite photographs ever (at least of my own work). Partly because I like the color and contrast elements, but mainly (I think) because it represents the point where I really started putting things off-center on purpose. My so-desperately-wanting-to-be-ordered mind would have gone apoplectic over that much empty background at one time.The subject is a simple patio torch shot at a barbecue in Pittsboro, NC almost exactly 5 years ago (That's July of 2003 in case you're an archaeologist reading this 500 years from now).The barbecue was hosted by a local band that (if you're from here) we know as The Never. (Although if you were at this particular barbecue, you'd have still been getting used to not calling them The B-Sides.)The second shot was one of an experimental series that involved very long exposures, fast film (yes, film), a dark room and a laser pointer. And for this shot, an ordinary incandescent light bulb. I noticed that the coating on the inside of the bulb refracted the light from the laser and made the whole thing glow. So I shot a few frames of it. The finished shots were severely underexposed though and required quite a bit of adjustment afterward. An interesting experiment, if not quite the result I'd hoped for.
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Nice shot! Thanks for the comment on my blog :)
Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your comments. I really like the composition of yours. It does feel awkward to go away from the general order of things. In this picture I see the torch as it was meant to be: a subtle light casting a romantic glow on the festivities, putting the rest of the world in the dark background -- at least for a little while.
I like this....very effective, and actually very relaxing!
@Barb: You may be onto something there. If I had to guess, I'd say there were easily a hundred or so people at that cookout (Band parties get that way). But strangely enough none of them made it into this frame. Actually they probably did, but the light is such that you can't see them. Which is kind of the point I guess...
It reminds me of a Miro painting. Cool!
What an awesome shot! Very nice. Thanks for dropping by. :D
i love the off-center-ness of the first photo. how the flame is so 'still' but moving. i have my pics up, too.
Mojo, you've inspired me! No, I didn't copy anything you've done here... I just went with something you mentioned and did my own take on it. Thanks for the idea!
Oh, and I also have a more 'traditional' photo for the traditionalists.
@Ciara: You know, I never really thought about the movement aspect of the flame before, but you're right. I can't take the credit for the phenomenon (that's just fire baby!) only for capturing it on film (on actual film in this case).
@Smoofus: I'm an inspiration? I feel so special! (You like me! You really really like me!)
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