These are two more shots from the series I call "The Space Between", shot at the jetties near Ft. Macon, NC. I've always thought standing at the shoreline was a little like standing at the edge of the world. That probably explains
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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
I love the depth of field on that second pic!
Nice Entry
My WW for the week.
those are terrific!
Love the texture and the color on the rocks.
happy ww
You're like a myopic Georgia O'Keefe (or O'Keefe once removed?), you know it? Don't worry... she got away with it, too. *runs and hides before she gets in trouble*
Happy WW!
great macro shots
My WW are : The stem of rose and Marine part 4 Thanks
makes me want to drive to the beach (5 plus hours) ... just to look at the tide pools
Incredible shots.
Wonderful shots. I feel the ocean is not the end of the world,but the pathway to a new life. I just love the ocean. I have a daughter in Carrie NC. We are closest to Rhode Island for the real ocean. None in CT that can compare.
Yoni reminds me of a specific moment and set of shoreline rocks at a pivotal time in my life, fittingly, on Isla Mujeres off the Yucatan.
Very evocative picture, Mojo.
Happy WW! Your photo reminds me that I don't get to the beach often enough now that I've moved away from California...
Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see an unusual outcome of yesterday's earthquake on my WW-post this week...
peace, Villager
I love the idea of this great idea
Great shots, I really like how you liken the shoreline to the edge of the world (that's deep).
Reminds me of one of my favorite places in the world - there's an island in northern Lake Michigan with a big natural harbor. The beach is rocky, but turns to sand as you go out. About 30 yards from shore, the sand drops from 8 feet deep to a bajillion, and it's like standing on the underwater edge of the world. Clear blue water as far as you can see. It sure gives me a sense of my smallness.
/off to get a decent camera
My apologies if this is a repeat post. My computer is misbehaving of late. What I said the last time I tried to comment was (I think):
The spaces between - what a fascinating idea for a project! Interesting photos.
Good series.
love these shots, and the heading is so fitting. there is beauty everywhere if we take time to see it!
Those are both so beautiful. Amazing the things one finds when stopping to take the time and look. Very nice! :D
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