Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #11: Gandhi in the 'Hood

"Gandhi in the 'Hood"
Raleigh, NC - August 2008 (Click to embiggen)

Wordless Wednesday - Button Image by Smarmoofus

On her blog recently, Raleigh author Peggy Payne wrote about discovering the statue of Gandhi at the Marbles Kids Museum. I'd known about the statue for about a year, but it wasn't until Peggy's post that I made the time to go photograph it (and shamelessly pilfer Peggy's post title!). If you're heading to Bloggin' the Square on Saturday, you'll be right across the street.i want to call you kimmy edible latex panties girls rubber leather licking slick wet lesbian asian amateur milf horny housewives sucking jenna jamison brittany andrews mother theresa eating cock
Three days until Bloggin' the Square '08

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Gabriel said...

Nice sculpture! I envy people who can do things like these and make them look so much like the real 'models'.

Have a great WW day!

My WW post...

Quarantine Hobby said...

What a fantastic sculpture. Very realistic and a wonderful tribute to such an amazing man.

Happy WW :)

smarmoofus said...

Gandhi! He's one of my heroes, y'know. I love the notion of civil disobedience.

Your subtext grows more interesting with each post. *grin*

Happy WW! I'm up, too.

Princess said...

That sculpture captures Ghandi's very character. Wish I could see it too.
Thanks for sharing your great finds.

Jim said...

We don't have anybody in our 'hood except 'hoodlums. :-)
Yours is neat!
Happy WW, thank you for peeking at my sleeping dog.

Anonymous said...

Hey - very nice! I love sculpture!

Wish I could come to Bloggin' the Square! Have fun and Happy WW!

Mojo said...

@gabriel: Yes, I was astonished at the level of detail in this sculpture. The artist's name according to the plaque on the base is Sri Ram Sutar.
@allison: I'm just sorry it took me this long to get down to see it. my office is only a few blocks away from the museum. (Okay more than a "few", but certainly within walking distance.)
@smoofus: He's one of my heroes too, which is why I can't believe I didn't get down there before now.
@princess: I'm just guessing you could find a similar work in SoCal somewhere. But even if you can't, if you remember him, Gandhi-ji would consider it a bigger tribute than a pilgrimage to a statue.
@jim: This part of the 'hood has really gentrified over the last 10-12 years. go a couple of blocks east of here and it starts getting a little sketchy, but in the city center they've really done a lot to revive it.

Mojo said...

@mommywiz: where are you in the world? You're welcome to join us if you can get here!

Strider said...

Very nice resemblance. Gandhi is one of my idols when it comes to self-mastery. Thanks for sharing and Happy WW mojo! :)

Ryanne said...

That is a really nice statue, with so much detail. Not a bad person to leave a tribute, eh? Great WW post thanks!

Pea in a Pod said...

Interesting post WW! Happy WW:)

Carletta said...

Wonderful statue!
I can't wait to hear about this blogging event.

CK Ng said...

That's one nice statue of Gandhi. Happy WW! :)

BNS said...

That's a very nice shot. How large is the statue?


Jan Parrish said...

Nice shot. Happy WW!

Rizza said...

this is a beautiful work of art and a nice photo :)

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. I've recently read some very good quotes by Gandhi. Perfect timing for the statue to show up, lol. Great photo.

See Reflecting on Wordless Wednesday , or my whole blog I Was Born2Cree8.

Reba @ Reba’s Run
or this dog’s Woofless Wednesday in Reflection

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Interesting shot! The artwork detail is amazing. Loved your quote about the sunrise/sunset on the Netherlands blog.

Happy WW!

SHIELA said...

Nice entry for wordless.

Fantastic statue!

Happy Wednesday!

tiff said...

I almost said "nice porn 'stache, dude," but thought that would be disrespectful.


I wonder why a statue of Ghandi, in particular? How'd it get to be in Raleigh? The backstory must be interesting.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Very cool!

GMAC said...

wow amazing sculpture. grat shot!

Mojo said...

Tiff: NC in general and the Triangle (and Charlotte) in particular has a larger NRI (non-resident Indian) population than most people realize. I forget the exact number but it's well into 5 digits in both metros. Which is not an insubstantial percentage, considering. There was a piece in the N&O a year, year and a half ago about how the statue came to be there, but I don't remember all of the details. (And anyway, I'd already used a lot of words for a "wordless" post.) The statue privately funded and commissioned, and was donated by the Indian-American Community-NC, and the Indian American Forum for Political Education (which doesn't tell me much more than I already knew).

I'll scrounge the N&O archives and see if I can find a link to the story.

Bobbie: The statue is roughly life-sized. It's hard to say for sure when you're on the ground and it ... isn't. It may be slightly larger than actual size, but not much. Gandhi-ji wasn't a real big fan of ostentatious, so the size is appropriate.

Alice: Bapu was a good one for quotes. One of his most famous ones is on the base of the statue: "We must be the change we wish to see in the world."

Strider: I had to chuckle... Gandhi would probably tell you not to make an idol of him, but rather to find that idol within yourself. But I get what you mean. It's one of the harder concepts to get your head around because it's difficult not to idolize someone with so much strength of character.

Minkydo said...

Okay, I must need a chocolate fix. He looks like he is carved out of chocolate :)

Nice picture!

Happy WW

gpc said...

Nice 'hood. We could use a statement like this where I live!

Barbara said...

Hey, Mojo. Thanks for stopping by. I think I'd better join in on WW. Haven't done that yet and it can sometimes be a challenge for me to be succinct, let alone wordless. The post about Jerry was meant to be poignant, but I forgot to mention that. :-\ What is poignant now that he has been on the road for 4 days is how the dogs still wait by the door.

The Fitness Diva said...

Reminds me of the one we have here in Union Square Park in NYC...

Melanie said...

Wonderful sculpture!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work.

June said...

That's a mighty fine statue...I appreciate sculptures that have this kind of detail. Thanks for stopping by Spatter...

TorAa said...

Top contributor,
that's what you are

heartcaptures said...

interesting sculpture with very rich history.