Ah hell. Go over and see for yourself. Say hi, make a few long distance calls, clean out the fridge... Daryl's cool with it... she takes in stray cows after all.
Happy birthday, and shine on you crazy diamond!
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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
Will extend my good wishes immediately!
Will do. This is a fun tribute! (I've done that date thing before. I usually get the round numbers from the tall ones but the wrong end of the calendar. Can't be helped, it seems. I've always been this way.)
Boy there's a lotta February birthdays out there! My grandma's is today and mine's tomorrow. :) I miss eating cake with her.
Happy Bday to Daryl!
Thank you for this and hacking my blog.. I was never so surprised as I was this morning when I opened my blog and there was a Toon ... I am still smiling .. and it IS today .. Feb 7 .. amazingly a day w/o snow, a first for my birth day .. usually its snowing or it snowed or its going to snow.
Thank you .. muaaah!
loved what you did at daryl's. she is completely fab.
your dog has sloppy kisses.
2:34 am? you were up later than i was! i cashed out at 1:50 i think...
What a nice post! I haven't visited her blog yet, but a belated wish sounds like a good excuse.
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