"Well "It Ain't a Flying Studebaker"
Raleigh, NC - December 2008 (Click to embiggen)
I've captured NHL hockey players in full stride, stock cars at 180mph, horses, dogs, airplanes... I can shoot fast moving subjects. But for some reason, getting birds in flight even when they're not moving all that fast is a real challenge for me.This guy (I assume) wasn't in any special hurry to get anywhere. He was doing that slow circling thing that raptors do when they're looking for lunch. But this was about as good a shot as I got of him, and indeed one of the best I've ever gotten of a bird of any kind that was airborne.One day I'll decipher the secret to getting this shot. Until then, you're stuck with a headless
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I know exactly what you're talking about when it comes to shooting birds. The best shots I've ever gotten was using "sports" mode and and shooting in rapid-fire mode, getting multiple frames. Still the challenge is getting a sharp focus. But this is still a great image.
Hey that's a pretty good shot of that bird.......I have a fairly tame digital camera, nothing fancy at all, I use the kids/pets setting for my "action" shots!
Did you get a crick in your neck shooting that? Pretty!
are you saying your photo is a turkey...vulture? heh heh.
I think the photo is great!
wow! this is wonderful!!
I know just what you mean. The only decent shot I ever got of a bird in flight was purely a fluke. Grabbed the camera on whatever setting it was on and snapped. Sheer dumb luck, not to be repeated unfortunately.
This guy's got a magnificent wing span, doesn't he. I'd never have noticed that he was headless though if you hadn't pointed it out.
makes me wish i could fly...
i saw an eagle flying overhead us last year and it's all I could do trying to take its picture. Unfortunately, he flew before I can take a good shot. Yours is quite good even if the head is not very visible.
Beautiful shot! It's hard to capture a moving object. You have a great camera.
This is a very nice shot, majestic even..and it is a turkey vulture.
They fly around in circles 'catching thermals' the warm air currents in the sky. Birds catch theses pockets of air and soar -- sometimes to catch a wiff of dinner, but alot of the times just for exercise and getting warm. Plus, when they are in the thermals they hardly have to expend any energy to stay up in the sky. The warm pockets of air are just swirling around, the birds hardly have to flap a wing.
This is a very nice shot, majestic even..and it is a turkey vulture.
They fly around in circles 'catching thermals' the warm air currents in the sky. Birds catch theses pockets of air and soar -- sometimes to catch a wiff of dinner, but alot of the times just for exercise and getting warm. Plus, when they are in the thermals they hardly have to expend any energy to stay up in the sky. The warm pockets of air are just swirling around, the birds hardly have to flap a wing.
This is a very nice shot, majestic even..and it is a turkey vulture.
They fly around in circles 'catching thermals' the warm air currents in the sky. Birds catch theses pockets of air and soar -- sometimes to catch a wiff of dinner, but alot of the times just for exercise and getting warm. Plus, when they are in the thermals they hardly have to expend any energy to stay up in the sky. The warm pockets of air are just swirling around, the birds hardly have to flap a wing.
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