Lest I be accused of ignoring the fact that Chevy didn't build every classic car in the US, I'm throwing Ford a bone with this shot of a flathead V-8 equipped '53 Ford Pickup. But by accident or design, this is the only shot this week that I don't have a "cameo" in. Hey, when the theme is "reflective", it's hard to avoid!
Problem is, I know a lot less about old Fords than I do about old Chevys so I can't tell you anything special about this truck that you couldn't find yourself in 5 minutes of Google searching. This particular example of the breed was pretty successful on the show circuit though, judging from the number of trophies the owner was carrying around with it.
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Awesome awesome awesome shot!!!
Regina In Pictures
My family drove only Fords but no trucks. Now I drive a Pontiac.
Great picture.
I likey and I bat it was hard to not get yourself. :)
oh, i'm an expert on cars.... i know ALLLLL the colour, heee heee heee
absolutely brilliant!
This shot could only be better if we could see the lense of your cam in the mirror.
Very cool!
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