Based on other photos of other trees I think this one is called a "redbud". (Which in my youth meant something so not floral!)
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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
That is just perfect!
Beautiful! I cannot wait to see spring flowers blooming very soon here in MN!
Heavenly flower. Love that shade of pink.
Lovely pink! I wonder what kind of hits I would get on my blog if I just posted pics of "bud growing in my yard"?
Sigh... Beautiful floral!
I don't think it is a redbud???
It sure is gorgeous. (I'm thinking cherry??)
Kwanzan cherry tree?
Red Bud is very pretty it looks very delicate!
Oh, man. Just like cotton candy.
Not redbud. Cherries, definitely. Probably Kwanzan.
how pretty! definately springy!!!
We have similar trees all around the building I work in. So pretty and cheerful.
I don't think that's a redbud, hon ... it's some kind of cherry blossom.
Redbud trees are tiny lil purple florets. v. tiny & interesting.
... not to say that THIS tree isn't interesting, lol.
Beautiful, actually. =)
This photo really inspires me, love the pink and the Japanese feel of it.
Looks like cherry blossoms. A lovely photo.
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