I considered explaining what these were, but it seemed like more fun to just let you guess. They're pretty ordinary items, but that's the beauty of macro photography... it makes the ordinary into something more than ordinary.
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ping pong balls?
Argh...that's my guess too, ping pong balls.
If they're not ping pong balls I'd guess plastic balls from one of those ball pits they have at play places.
I guess ping pong balls too.
Another vote for orange ping pong balls here!
Hmmm I would of guessed ping pong balls too. My 55 is up
I'm on the ping pong and cool lighting effect bandwagon too!
Do Tell, Mojo! :)
It would seem I am no more original than anyone else...ping pong balls wearing a smidgen of dust. Then again, are they plastic peaches you put in a fake fruit bowl? :))
I seem to be chronically hungry; I'm saying apricots.
Maybe gumballs or jawbreakers.
okay, balloons
Grapes with an orange filter put on 'em?
Inquiring minds want to know.
These remind me of those hollow plastic balls that one can find in playground "cages" - you know, like at a McDonald's or some place like that?
I posted something round and orange too, for this theme.
Those are oranges I think. I see so many of them around at where I am:)
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