"Fun, fun, fun -- with two tops!"
Raleigh, NC - March 2009 (Click to embiggen)
Ten years before the '67 Corvette Roadster I featured a while back was built, Ford rolled this yellow 1957 Thunderbird off the assembly line. And it's painted the same ahem... pale shade of yellow that Chevy put on the Vette 10 years later. Not, as you may have guessed, my favorite among yellows but on such a sweet ride... I guess it's forgivable.
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Fabulous. I love cars and yellow is my color of the moment. My yellow post is here :http://sealaura.blogspot.com/2009/04/and-it-was-all-yellow.html
and I just went to a VW extravaganza so if you have time check out today's and yesterday's post.
Woo, what a beauty! Nice and shiny! Would love to drive this. :)
By the way, I'm curious about the small clickable links that correspond to the photo challenge meme. I'm curious how you did that? Is there a site where one can generate the code? I would appreciate any info you'll be willing to share. Thanks! :)
HUGE SIGH. What an incredibly sweet ride. Yellow and all. I could melt into the seat of that one. Very nicely shot. :D
you are tease with these cars. i so love them!
soooo-weeeeeet! And sleek. Love it that it's a T-bird.
That's such a beautiful car, but yeah, that pale yellow would not be my choice of color. You've got a bit of a Dr. Seuss-like distorted reflection going on there.
Really nice arty yellow shot. i love the reflection and shade of yellow.
I love this photo, even if this wouldn't be my shade of choice!
Thunderbirds are go.....remember them?
great photo, love the perspective.
When they made them into "sedans" -- what a pity.
Love your choice (really dates me, tho)
How coincidental, while I was away, I got a couple of snaps of a blue Thunderbird. I think 1969. It was just parked on the street looking 'blue' :) I brightened it's day by tanking photos. I'll post 'em soon.
yellow is a nice Springtime color and so is the snazzy car-- vrooooom vrooooom!
i enjoyed mojo, super photo!
love the golden color. so shiny & sleek. and a classic t-bird? tres cool! i am playing this week, because i remembered to this time lol
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