This week Thematic Photographic looks at "Dusk". Which is fortunate, since such scenes require very little in the way of explanation and are, in fact, not well served by a lot of verbiage. It may be my favorite time of day, the place where the crush of the world releases its hold and the promise of more enjoyable things takes over. Over the next several weeks I'm pretty sure I'll learn to treasure that because my current project at my day job is reaching a critical stage and I'm not having a lot of fun with that aspect of life right now. But only a few bocks away is a scene that I've shot before, but never get tired of. Maybe it's all the "No Trespassing" signs around the place that make it so alluring, but I sort of suspect it's just that it's quiet enough to hear the echoes of the past here.
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Mojo, thanks for bringing our city to life through your camera lens. I love this train photo.
Nice. I've always thought it would be good to do many photos of the same subject, like studies. Monet did this, right?
mmm. I like this shot a lot as well as your description about dusk: "where the crush of the world releases its hold and the promise of more enjoyable things takes over."
Hope work eases up its weight.
Love the light through the windows.
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