You've seen this before in this very meme, but from a wider view. I liked both shots, but I think I prefer this one. The other one amused me though, as it left me wondering what was supposed to have been tied up here?
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"It's not courage if you're not terrified." - D. Blagdan
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Nietzsche
I like working in sepia, as well. Sometimes I just take one piece of a shot and add sepia. I'm still experimenting. This closeup is awesome!
I like the name you've given this pic. I too appreciate Sepia, and recently had a portrait done of my daughter in it. Great pic! Happy WW :)
I played here:
I love how think rope looks in sepia, Mojo! Happy Sepia Scenes! :)
Ropes and knots are cool and sepia suits them well. The rope really has its own character in this close-up.
I like the light and shadows in this one, Mojo!
Your playing with shadows in this picture!!
Close-up gorgeous!
And my mind circling around what was supposed to have been tied up here..
Simply a cool shot. :)
I repeat - You are too dang clever! I think they left their giraffe tied there while they went to play in the ocean. :)
Agreed, the soft touch of the sepia gives this a more artistic look to a truly utilitarian dock. The rope looks far softer here, and the sepia seems to eliminate the splinters on the dock...
I love the play of shadows on the rope.
the sepia deepens the texture, which is fabulous
Run your imagination Jazz!! Run it wild!!!! *club.head*
Cool closeup of the rope. You've got me wondering what had been tied there as well..
I also like the way you captured the light and shadows, Mojo.
its a poignant shot....
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