Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Wordless Wednesday #104 (Tuesday Edition): Once A Mill, Now A Burb

"What Used To Be Lassiter Mill"
Raleigh, NC - October 2008 (Click to embiggen)
Wordless Wednesday - Button Image by Smarmoofus

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Jane Hards Photography said...

That is so relaxing.


This is so beautiful! I love the light in the photo, and how it reflects in the water in different colors!

And: I discovered I forgot to answer a question from you, about the bad weather in Oslo: No, the cloud did not spawn a tornadoe, but I must say it looked like it was going to several times! Spooky cloud!

Fun you mentioned Independence Day: I was thinking of the mother ship from that film also, that day! :)

annalarssonphotography said...

You have captured gorgeous light in this shot!!!

I can hear the water, smell it and almost touch it..


Hugs, Anna