So it was like this. I'm at this dog trial last December with a good friend of mine who's competing with her dog Mojo (no relation. But you might remember him from this week's Wordless Wednesday - Tuesday Edition.) And since she's not due to start for an hour, I need to find some way to fill the time on this frosty December morning. Lucky for me, the trial was being held at a sod farm that came complete with its own junkyard full of... junk. Mostly broken down farm equipemnt that I assume was being cannibalized for parts, but some stuff that... well I'm not sure what you'd do with it. Like this tire for example. Unless I miss my guess, this is a US Government Issue cross country truck tire, no doubt blown out at the nearby Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. I saw plenty of these in the Army, so I'm pretty sure I can recognize one at a glance. At one time it probably served its country carrying marines from point to point. Now... its only discernible purpose is to make me wonder how it came to be here. And of course, to snap a photograph of it.
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I believe that tyre has seen a lots of places, travelled a lot before it was disposed off...
- Pixellicious Photos
superbly composed to recycled junk into a piece of art!
A keeper! love it.
Wonderful photo. Life out of junk.
That's good Junk! And they burn forever *wink*
I like the backstory you told: I would have had no idea this was milspec. Now, when I close my eyes, I realize today's junk was mission critical at some point in its existence. There's a reverence to this scene because of it.
(And, because my brain things tangentially these days, I can't get the cover art for Stevie Wright's "Hard Road" out of my head.)
FWIW, your photography blows the album's wheeled perspective out of the water. Or dirt. Whatever...
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