Thursday, January 07, 2010

55 Flash (non-)Fiction Friday #60: A First Time For Everything

The beach has always been there. The storms and currents and forces of nature have reshaped it some over the centuries, but it is still pretty much the same beach it has always been. But today it looks different. Today I am seeing it for the first time. And it has never looked so good.

M6Friday: 55FlashFiction Graciously hosted by G-Man.

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RennyBA said...

I do agree, or maybe; never like the first time ;-)

SandyCarlson said...

There is magic in the first time and tremendous joy in rediscovering it again and again. What magic makes that happen?

inappropriatesue said...

Too often we forget to look and when we do is is a wonderful discovery. Here's to seeing things through new eyes!
I'm up too

Brian Miller said...

whether it is the first time you were there, or the first time you actually saw much we can pass right by, until we notice it, the first time. nice 55.

mine is up!

clean and crazy said...

gosh i miss the beach!! great 55 i got one up too

Janna said...

How nice!
This makes me want to go to the beach and listen to the waves and watch the beauty of it all.
Good 55. :)

Mine is posted HERE.

G-Man said...

Great Post Mojo...
Sorta like listening to the words of a Classic Oldie after smoking a Fattie and actually understanding the lyrics!!
Excellent 55...
Thanks for this fine contribution, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

smarmoofus said...

Hmm... *reads more into it*... Enjoy, Mojo.

I'm up, too!

Shadow said...

the beauty of fresh eyes... amazing what we see when we look.

magiceye said...

the picture tells the story! love it!

Maude Lynn said...


Monkey Man said...

I've had those moments. My 55 is HERE.

Felicitas said...

Ah... an optimist! If it were any season but winter, I'd love the beach right now too! My 55 is up too.

Robin said...

*quietly cheering*