"Nobody Greets Marty With a Runway Party"
Raleigh, NC - April 2009 (Click to embiggen)
My son the music major returned home in the Spring semester of his junior year, leaving the remote and frozen environs of Potsdam, NY and the Crane School of Music for the closer-to-home University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In April he played his first recital at UNC-G followed shortly by his first gig with the school's Symphonic Band. This shot was from the former event obviously.
And about the same time he returned from the North Country, the Hurricanes returned to the Stanley Cup Playoffs for the first time since winning The Cup in 2006. After knocking off two of the top three seeds in the East in dramatic fashion (a pair of Game 7 wins, one on a buzzer beater and the other in overtime) Carolina ran into the juggernaut that was Pittsburgh, the eventual winner of the Stanley Cup. But until The Penguins marched into town, the middle-of-the-night welcome home parties at RDU International were in full swing each time the team returned home from the road.
And two days after Scott Walker banged a rebound past Tim Thomas to chase the top-seeded Boston Bruins from the playoffs, I was listening to the radio re-broadcast while on a photo tour with the Tonka Unit. Stop number one on the tour was the Antique British Car Show hosted by North Hills... what do they call it now that the mall isn't there anymore? Anyway, I question the antiquity of some of the cars on hand (somehow a 2006 Lotus doesn't seem like it would qualify) but while pondering if I had ever had occasion to use the plural of "Lotus" (I don't think I have) I caught this collection of 60s vintage MG A's.
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Some great moments in 2009. I am wondering about the plural of Lotus now, too. Though the other day at a mall in Jacksonville I came across a place for taxies. No Loties were parked there, obviously.
Happy New Year.
How wonderful it must be to have your son close by again. What a gift.
You should have included a plug-in audio recording of the Maestro!
FYI - the Winter Classic was AWESOME in person! And Timmy Thomas makes the Olympics to boot.
Your son is an absolute doll, Mojo. I bet you're thrilled to have him closer to home.
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