Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Watery Wednesday #65: Linville River

Linville Gorge, NC - February 2001 (Click to embiggen)

Watery Wednesday

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Tracie Nall said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Lindz said...

clear water, that's lvoely

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

beautiful and cool

Watery Wednesday

Momgen said...

Nice shot of the water. happy watery Wednesday.

mine is up

Judy said...

i love the way the ripples break up the colours, bringing some blue sky into the golden water!!!

Lori E said...

I prefer rivers to lakes or oceans. The sound and movement appeal to me.
Glad to see your policy on spammers etc.
I just got rid of one this morning and not too politely I might add.

Gena D said...

Very good capture - such clarity!! I may have said this before, but really love your work - best part it inspires me greatly!!!
have a great day/ evening!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog
South Africa